It is symbolic that the unveiling of this  bronze busts  and the Sivananda Peace Pillar should take place today , the month we celebrated Diwali and this month we commemorate the 158th year of the Arrival of the Indentured Laboureres , my 47 year as the reinging monarch and my 70th Birthday.  

We acknowledge the initiator, Mr Ishwar Ramlutchman Mabheka Zulu whom I know since he was a young person who has continued the work of His Holiness Sri Swami Sahajananda through the Sivananda World Peace foundation. 

I have seen Mabheka grow from strength to strength in serving my people. We admire his dedication and loyalty. His respect and caring nature is somewhat very rare.  I have unveiled many of the Sivananda Peace Pillars and projects which was built by Mabheka .  

These Pillars will serve as a reminder to future generations of the importance of service in the process of building human beings, communities, a province and ultimately a wonderful country such as ours. By Mabheka’s example today we are reminded that greatness comes from receiving and from giving; greatness can come from all of us if we thrive enough to make others achieve their own greatness. In providing the infrastructure necessary for others to survive and to prosper. Participatory democracy Participatory democracy is another important area. The community at large, including izinduna, amakhosi, religious leaders, community-based organisations, should embark on the following programmes: 

• Fight against HIV and Aids: Since the government plans to decrease the   percentage of new HIV infections, this can only be realised if we all take part in creating awareness against the this pandemic. 

• Fight against tuberculosis: Encouraging TB patients to finish their course in our respective communities is critical. If there is someone in your neighbourhood who is taking TB medication, you need to help them ensure that they take that medication at all times as prescribed. This helps cure this disease. 

• Maths, Science and ICT subjects at schools: We need to encourage learners to take Maths, Science and ICT subjects at schools. These subjects will be very useful in the development of this province, especially rural areas.

• Fight against crime: We should encourage our communities to work with the police in fighting crime. It is sad to see women being embroiled in criminal activities. This is both disgraceful and shameful. 

• Reconciliation: We should pursue reconciliation initiatives. In our democratic order, everyone has a right to belong to political parties of their choice. I trust that izinduna, amakhosi and religious leaders will preach the spirit of tolerance and reconciliation. The concept of unity in diversity is a strong principle of Sri Swami Sivananda. He believed communities must flourish and aim towards unity as one nation. 

We have seen the installation of the Sivananda Peace Pillars as a beacon of hope for our people. We acknowledge with gratitude the work that has seen the youth receiving literature on guidance and inspiration on obedience, self control and self discipline through the Sivananda Peace Foundation “Our Peace must be based on the understanding of God” There is not a blade of grass in which God is not. Remember that God is love and love is God, and where love is, there God is. 

The simple way of Lord Jesus Christ – to love thy neighbour as thyself;  The compassionate way of Buddha – to respect all life and to be kind and merciful, The simple yet practical teachings of Swami Sivananda – Serve, Love, Give, Meditate, Realise, Be good and Do good and to see God in all names and forms. The concept of unity in diversity is a strong principle which is being promoted amongst our people. 

Our multicultural and multi-religious community must flourish and aim towards unity as one nation. Living in a diverse rainbow nation, with many religions, cultures and rituals, it is imperative that we learn to respect others and their beliefs. We must consider the wide world as our home and all people in it as our brothers and sisters

We need to remember that charity begins at home, in our communities and in our churches. We should pursue reconciliation initiatives. In our democratic order, everyone has a right to belong to political parties of their choice. I trust that izinduna, amakhosi and religious leaders will preach the spirit of tolerance and respect.  In conclusion as we gather here today on this historic occasion, may we be committed to working with each other. 

May there be tolerance, cooperation & the spirit of ubuntu amongst all of us. May we strive for the best within us and may prosperity and success be upon you at all times. I end with a quote from the Bible ,  “Teach us , o Lord , to see Thy life in all men and in all creatures of Thine earth and guide our nation through its leaders to preserve Thy peace, that the menace of war be far from our country. Through Christ our Lord”. Amen  

                                                                              …………Thank You……….

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