Mr Ishwar Ramlutchman Mabheka Zulu , The Founder of the Sivananda World PeaceFoundation hosts the 2 nd Memorail Sail Past together with the Zululand Yacht Club Celebratingthe Life and Times of The Late His Majesty , King Goodwill Zwelithini KaBhekhuZulu, King ofthe Zulu Nation on the 11 TH March 2023 at the Zululand Yacht Club in Richards Bay.
His Majesty King Zwelithini Ka BhekuZulu was the Honorary Patron of the Sivananda World Peace foundation. His Majesty has given the foundation so much of wisdom to serve his people. I am delighted to have had the opportunity to pay tribute to His Majesty, King Goodwill Zwelithini Ka-BhekuZulu during the 2nd anniversary of the departure of His Majesty.
His Majesty was indeed a King of Goodwill. We could never imagine life without His Majesty. Today we sit back and look at His life and how he managed to foster good relations across the world. King Zwelithini Goodwill ka-Bhekuzulu, rest now, Great King of Africa. A
n alchemist of Africangreatness. We celebrate you today. His Majesty will be remembered as a much-loved, visionarymonarch who made an important contribution to cultural identity, national unity and economicdevelopment in KwaZulu-Natal and through this, to the development of our country as a whole.
Indeed, our King has been the most consistent voice and campaigner for peace and unity in South Africaand the world at large. It must be said amidst the sinister forces that sought to formant war and mayhemamongst the Zulu people, His Majesty always stood on the side of those who strive for peace, stability,and prosperity of his people.
Today we Hail His Majesty. The King of the Zulu Nation for having heard the call of danger which hasbeen rising from within the inner soul of the people, and for having joined hands with the governmentand other structures of our nation to ensure that the massage about HIV / AIDS is understood by all andis heard through our communities. Unfortunately, the Covid 19 pandemic has robbed us of a great Kingwho walked amongst His people.
On a more personal note, I have had the singular privilege of working with His Majesty closelyover three decades. I was taken back by his overriding concern for the welfare of the Zulu Nation.His contribution towards agriculture and education will always be admired. I will forever cherishthe good memories we shared and continue promoting his legacy for generations to come.I salute a King of Peace.
A humble king who lived for His People.
For more information can contact email: sivanandaworldpeace@gmail.com
Ishwar Ramlutchman Mabheka Zulu0833578747