2022/07/25“To see God in all names and forms. To serve the poor and needy, seeing God in them. To relieve the pains, sorrows and sufferings of others. To share what you have with others. To be a cosmic friend and have a cosmic benefactor, a friend of the poor, the forlorn, the helpless and the fallen, is my creed.

” ~ Ishwar Ramlutchman Philanthropist Ishwar Ramlutchman, made a commitment to the late Swami Sahajananda, his beloved Swamiji, to undertake the installation of eight Sivananda Peace Pillar’s across South Africa.

The Sivananda Peace Pillars are a beacon of unity in diversity. The first of eight pillars, contains inscriptions from the worlds major religions and is the first in a country wide project. This Pillar demonstrates the universality of all world religions when it comes to promoting peace and harmony in our country. The Sivananda Peace Pillar will be a source of inspiration.

It reminds us that peace and love must transcend our human limitations that is so prevalent in our society today. It reminds us that peace and love must transcend our human limitations that is so prevalent in our society today.

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