On Wednesday  the 13th of December 2023, His Holiness MD Shembe, Unyazi LweZulu , Leader of the Nazerath Baptist Church will visit Prince Ishwar Ramlutchman Mabheka Zulu in Empangeni . This Visit co-insides with the Interfaith Peace Prayer which is held yearly for the past ten years. 

Many followers of the Nazerath Baptist church and the Indian community  come together for this prayer service. Ishwar Ramlutchman Mabheka Zulu’s association with the church goes back to decades during the times of the past Leader, The Late, His Holiness M V Shembe. 

We need to live in harmony as communities and the only way is to accept each other and understand each other’s culture and traditions. Social Cohesion must be at the forefront in all that we do too avoid racism in society said Ishwar Ramlutchman. We have for the past ten years hosted this historic Prayer Day. I give thanks to Baba Shembe Unyazi LweZulu for giving us his time to be with us yearly and for the love he has for the people.  

During this event there are hymns, talks and traditional Indian and Zulu dance that is performed. Reverend Mjadu expressed His Thanks and Appreciation to Ishwar Ramlutchman Mabheka Zulu for having embraced Shembe and the Nazerath Baptist Church. We have come a long way. Ishwar Ramlutchman has become a friend to the church for many years.  

This Prayer day is unique because it’s the first ever Prayer that Shembe attends which is hosted by Ishwar Ramlutchman who is Hindu. This is historic coming together highlighting Oneness and togetherness said Reverend Mjadu.

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